Personnel Certification
TIC Services ( Testing, Inspection & Certification )
Trading & Manpower Solutions
ANSA Holding is Established by individuals who had spend decades in entrepreneurship to have one holding company for the growth through diversification.
ANSA is a Singapore Investment aimed for development in future Testing, Inspection,Certification, Sustainability, Environment, Livelihood, Health care, Pharamaceuticals, Food & Catering, Transportation, Energy Resources which are the sustainable services required for sustainable world.
We can provide investment support in F&B / Health care Industry, Reach us
ANSA Stands for
Asian Network for Sustainable Advancement in NDT & Analytical Solutions

We currently provide Testing & Inspection Services in Singapore, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Macau,Malaysia, China, UAE & Qatar.
Training & Qualification Services - Globally
Trading of High Strength Anchors for Geo-technical and Post tensioning
Trading of Industrial Equipment's for QC and NDT
Human Resources & Manpower Solutions
We provide solutions for Health Care , Environment, Livelihood - Distribution of Medical Diagonostics equipments, Pharamaceuticals, Vaccines in SE Asia Market.
Astar provide sustainable water solutions
Contact us for Investment Opportunities, Our Global Expansion is in Progress
Subsidiary Company
ANSA NDT Specialist Services Sdn. Bhd.
ANSA Holdings expect to Consolidate all its indivdiual companies owned by its shareholders progressively
Individual Shareholding Company
1. ANSA TIC Veritas (Singapore) Pte Ltd
2. ANSA Trading & Manpower Solutions Pte Ltd
3. ANSA Training & Quality Assuranve Pvt Ltd.
8. ASTAR F&B Pte Ltd
9. WENS Technical & Occupational Skills Training LLC.
Associated Comapny
1. Wens Quality Assurance (HK) Ltd
2. ANSA MASTERSCAN Inspection Services WLL